Use the Viewer | Draw on the Map | Edit a Drawing

Edit a Drawing

You can edit markup on the map in several ways:

You need to click on the drawing to save any changes you make.

If it is difficult to click on a drawing, for example, finding a place on a line to click that is not a vertex, you can also click on any other drawing to save. This is particularly useful with freehand lines.

To edit a drawing:

  1. On the Tasks tab of the toolbar, click the Edit Drawing tool, and then click the drawing you want to edit.

    A marquee surrounds the drawing with small squares showing all the points (vertices) that you can edit.

  2. To change the shape of the drawing, drag any of the points to a new position.

    As you drag, the point changes to a black square.

    Change the shape by dragging individual points

  3. To rotate the whole drawing, click the handle above the marquee and drag it around.

    Rotate the drawing

  4. To move the whole drawing without changing its shape, place your cursor inside the drawing and drag it to the new position.

    Move drawing by clicking and dragging in any direction

  5. To resize or reshape the drawing, click the corner handle of the marquee and drag in any direction.

    Resize or reshape the drawing

  6. To constrain the drawing to resize along a single axis, click the handle on one side of the marquee (it turns yellow) and then drag the marquee outwards or inwards on that axis.

    Resize along one axis

  7. To save your changes, click anywhere on the markup.

    If you have drawn a line, click on the line.

  8. To remove a drawing, click the Erase Drawing tool and then click on any part of a drawing.

  9. To remove all the drawings on a map, click Clear All Drawings.

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